If you, or someone close to you has been the victim of unacceptable behaviour, please use the resources below. Outside Sport If you think a child or youth under 19 years of age is being abused or neglected, you have the legal duty to report your concern to a child welfare worker. How: Report all incidents of suspected, observed, or disclosed abuse to your nearest Ministry of Social Services Office, First Nations Child and Family Services Agency or local police/RCMP. A person reporting suspected neglect or abuse is not required to provide their name. For all after hours incidents or concerns, immediately contact your nearest After Hours Crisis Centre: -
Prince Albert - 306-764-1011 -
Saskatoon - 306-933-6200 -
Regina - 306-569-2724 -
Local Police/RCMP in other communities -
a local First Nations Child and Family Service Agency  If you, or a child you know needs help, the KIDS HELP PHONE (1-800-668-6868) is Canada's only national 24-hour bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling and referral service for children and youth. Inside Sport - This is the National Safe Sport Hotline! Are you looking to report from another sport? Or are you more comfortable reporting "outside" of soccer? Abuse Free Sport phone/text: 1-888-83SPORT (1-888-837-7678) Available through Sask Sport Inc. Respect in Sport Resource Line The Respect Resource Line provides bilingual response to calls, texts or emails by expert staff who will guide you to the necessary resources pertaining to: -
child and youth maltreatment -
bullying -
hazing -
national/provincial child and youth protection laws, and -
organization-specific risk management and dispute resolution models. Confidential and Anonymous Resource Individuals who access the Respect Resource Line are not required to disclose their identities. In the event you are faced with a situation involving maltreatment and are unsure how to proceed, the Respect Resource Line is available 365 days per year to assist, through the below platforms:  Inside Soccer Canada Soccer has an established independent whistleblower hotline, operated by a third party, which provides a secure location to lodge complaints or share information anonymously. Whistleblower Hotline: 1-800-661-9675 |